Home-Proofing for COVID-19 and the Flu

Both COVID-19 and the seasonal flu pose many dangers to seniors’ wellbeing. Fortunately, there are home-proofing measures such as disinfecting frequently touched surfaces that can help keep them safe.

Many seniors live with other people such as their adult children or young grandchildren. In these cases, home-proofing becomes even more of a group effort and precaution. Everyone in the household should wash their hands regularly and have a plan for disinfecting packages and frequently touched surfaces. Depending on the severity of the situation, it may be necessary for people in the household to take additional measures such as limiting their contact with seniors or even the outside world.

Here are some things you may need for home proofing:

cleaning and disinfecting supplies

For more information regarding home-proofing read more on the link provided below or contact us!

To learn more click the link: Here


theseniorlist.com, Updated April 29, 2021, < https://www.theseniorlist.com/research/home-proofing-coronavirus-flu/ >

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